open post

After two kids and hundreds of talks with new moms… I have decided to write a Hospital Bag Must Haves from a  Photographer’s view point. The next post will give you some of my favorite resources and small businesses that have helped me along the way!! Hospital Bag Must Haves: Slippers Extra long phone charger […]

Hospital Bag Must Haves – Atlanta Photographer’s Edition

Details, Lifestyle In Home Newborn, Maternity Sessions, Studio Newborn Sessions

featured post

In home newborn photos are my favorite. Why? 1. You are more comfortable at home. You have what you need right there so there is no stress of packing up your newborn and your 100 other must haves. I come to you. Also, most of my mommas hire hair/makeup to come before the session as […]

Atlanta In Home Newborn Photos Atlanta – Sok Family

Babies and Children, Details, Lifestyle In Home Newborn

home newborn photos

My 2nd most popular package is the Maternity and Newborn Photo Session…. (first is the Milestone Package :)). The Maternity/Newborn includes just that, but you receive your maternity session at an insane discount. As a Brookhaven Maternity Photographer, I highly recommend booking both to capture such special moments in your little one’s life! I love […]

Brookhaven Maternity Photographer – In Home Maternity and Newborn Session

Babies and Children, Details, Family Sessions, Lifestyle In Home Newborn, Maternity Sessions

Brookhaven maternity photographer

  This little cutie pie has just arrived! I was so excited to meet baby Amelia and do a lifestyle newborn session for her two adorable parents… and of course Frenchie brother! I have been a little busy with sessions and my own little babe these past few months, but I’m excited to start blogging […]

Miss Amelia is here! Lifestyle Newborn Photos Atlanta

Lifestyle In Home Newborn

I have been so excited to post this session! I absolutely love the idea of having newborn video & photo footage to go along with a newborn session. It is such a perfect way to capture your new growing family, the little sounds, movements, and day to day parts of life with your new addition. […]

Newborn Video and Photo Fusion Atlanta – Duerr Family

Lifestyle In Home Newborn, Video - Photo Fusions

lifestyle atlanta newborn video and photo sessions georgia video and photo fusion sessions atlanta newborn photographer, atlanta newborn videos